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Monday, October 29, 2007 .
..notin to sae lah
boredBORED .
sendin comments to my
cousin larh
her birthdae on de 28/10
in sch ,,
notin realli happened larh
did de flea market thingy
.. so messy larh
parvin & sharan was so gd at
getin ppl to buy it .
sharan & alison went to
buy more glitter ting larh
coz almost finish .
den must pay sharan more lah !!
hehez .
can die larh
one of it cost abt $7
hoWWWW ??!!
goin out in a while
3 houses leh !
tmr iz de skit tingy larh
so lazy to go ! =x
. tatz all ,,

Sunday, October 28, 2007 .
yesterdae night ..
went to Toa Payoh CC .
Hari Raya gatherin la
wif my mum,grandmum,grandmum's fren,
her daughter & husband.
we were sitin at the second
last table . N our table was
veri2 noisy larh..
coz of my mum . den i keep sayin
"sssHHH" hahaha .
there was a lucky draw .
den de number picked was
241 but my number was 261 .
my mum sae "WAH.SO CLOSE ARH.WASTED!!"
so freakin loud . she was like shoutin .
then de people sitin infront of uz
turned . i was so embarassed !!
so fuNNi ..
alot2 of ppl there ,,
almost full
okae so my eldest brother's frenz comin
at 1PM .
20 ppl comin . so tired larh
so ..
latER !

Saturday, October 27, 2007 .
erm . wont forget wad happened yesterdae.
me&cloud&gerri was suppose
to burn papers but
ended up tearin them onli.
den cloud went into de
bigBIG dustbiN .
den a guy came out
of de lift & he was checkin his
letter box & starin at cloud.
gerri&me started laughin like
hell coz cloud was still in de
dustbin,,hahaha .
she came out of the dustbin after
a few minz lah .
haiyah . daRM funni .
at nite wen to mum frenz house
. her two gerlz were so cute !!
hahaha .
they were like pullin me around,,
caN die lah
okae . tatz all i tink ..

Friday, October 26, 2007 .
3 posts
neva go online so long liao .
hehezz .
went to dairy farm . i was lucky number one lah
de first to sit on de flyin fox . yah00 ..
hahaha .
arms & leg aching like hell lahh ..haha
didnt go to sch la .
at nite went to my mum's fren's house
den . her son came out lah .
the hair darm nice arhh ..
i was lookin at de hair . not HIM .
den my mum nudge me liao .
sae stop starin stariNN .
i sae "im not interested in him but his hair"
hahahaha . lol .
aiyah .. called angelica den had a conference
wif angelica & denise .
called them at 12.40PM .
hahaha .
slept at 1.45AM . sial arh
woke up at 6.45AM .
didnt want to go to sch lah
but den . in de end i went la
hahaha . coz of tat claudia & alisoNN .
in malay class . cikgu nora shoutin like hell
to get out . mrz chia's period larh .

Friday, October 19, 2007 .
argh ,,
y muz my relatives
come on de dae i
wana go out ??!!
haha . so todae also cant
go out . arGH !!
hehez . im stuck at
home !!
oh NO !! no programme
on de tv.
at least i have my hp
but still im bored lah
okae ??
notin to sae ..
haiyah ...
u realli REALLI nid
to cheer up .
juz smile !!
hahaha .
im nuts .
okae anywaez
2 more daez den start
schoolin !!!
yayaya !!
i kinda miz sch . tatz weird though
okae .. goin to take my lunch now

Thursday, October 18, 2007 .
im suppose to go to
sharan's house todae
for the skit practise
but my mum dont allow
coz tmr also goin out
aiyoyo ..
hehehez .
yesterdae went out
wif gerri,cloud & alison
darm funni lah
we were waitin for our
food to be serve
den i was lookin through
the menu . den i accidentali
tore it . den i quickly
put it bck . we all laugh
like crazy freakz sia .
decided to go to Ang Mo Kio Hub
after tat to take neoprint ..
turned out to be nice ..
i fall inlove with de lead
singer of Click Five
and all the guys in jonas brother
esp. the lead singer lah .
wahh !! haha .

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 .
got my new hp
yesterdae i juz bought my
new hp .. yipeeeeee,,
hahahaz .
aiyah .
im happi2 alreadi
my hari raya money
is goin to $200
yayaya ..
goin out todae .
haiyah ,,
amrit oh amrit
y u cannot go ??
wasted sia ,,
anywaez . yesterdae
alot2 of ppl came
my house lahh ..
my cousin so cute la
he walk so UNSTABLE .
hehez .
i tink he cried abt 10 timez
& tat afiq iz askin for a punch
i was like"u wait.."
hehez . me & my cousin
gonna punch him in de room
.. next time !!
hehez .
yesterdae yesterdae .
hahaha .
darm funni !
my uncle but his onli 18 yrs old
den i was like talkin to claudia on
de phone . den he sae
"i might be your uncle but im onli 18 .
introduce ur fren leh ."
he wants to get to noe more abt
claudia ..
darm fuNNi .. N his freakin kind la
i feel lazy . hahaha
realli lazy ..hehez
but i MUST go if not
tat gerri scold me like
shit lorh .

Sunday, October 14, 2007 .
finalli de dae
yaayy ..
haha .
collected $157
. onli first dae!!
okae . so im BORED
goin out at 2
a few more houses to go
yesterdae nite darm fuNNi
. my aunt & mum
was like mad freakz .
yipeezz !!
buyin new hp todae .
daddy finalli allow
i feel gd maN . hehez
im kinda sick of the
bloodie ketupat
eat at everyone's house
can die larh .
til den .

Friday, October 12, 2007 .
yesterdae i watched DIE HARD 4 .
darm nice larh
.. im in sch computer lab
gerri,cloud & siti watchin some
kind of 'dirty' video ,,
hahaha .
listenin to sum 41 ..
siti iz like listening to
hahaha .
den she keep replayin
the bloodie song la !!
siti & gerri playin some
kind of game at miniclips
hahaha ,.
cannot drive !!
hahahaha ..

so . goin home at 1.30
so lazy to help mum clean
stupid house !!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 .
hari raya comin
clean mie room alreadi .
pHEW !
threw awae my paperz
alreadi .
except i kept 1 practise paper
for each subject
hahaha .
for some special reasonz la:)
3 more daez to fast
yay !! den
yesterdae nite went out wif
my dearest MUMMY !!
she force me to buy stup hari raya shoe lahh .
so ..
i bought in the end .
1 dae onli .
den the other daez so lazy alreadi
to go out .
shld i go to sch tmr ??
mum ask if i want to follow her
& daddy go to Johor ..
den i said im too lazy to go !!
haiyah .
boredBORED !!
abt 3 more hrs before can eAT !
i still haven rearrange my furniture
aiyah ..

Monday, October 8, 2007 .
psle over
science paper okae2
. over at last mANN
guezz im goin to spend
most of my time on de c0M
.. science paper have
david & moss .
moss=moses .
hehehez ..
lalalalala zz.
hahaha ..
okae in de mornin daRM
fuNNi siAll
wadSTARE2 ??
hahahaz ..
u stare . i stare bck lahh
goiNN to throw away 3 quaterz
of tingz .

Sunday, October 7, 2007 .
tmr science psle
tmr science la ..
den can clean my room
rearrange furniture
. yay !!
finalli mANN ..
thank god
but ..
at night muz go out
shop for hari raya shoe
darm la
so lazy alreadi
still have to go out
hehez .
i wonder how iz MOSES doin .
wif his wife ..
hahahahah ..
boredBOreD .
den on MON muz
bring kuih bangkit & makmur
for tat
claudia ..
ubi sambal for tat gerri ..
wahh ..
im hungry alreadi ..
focuz on studiez!!!!

i cant get the freakin stupid science facts into
my tiny little bRAINY .
how ???
read the science book like so many timez
stil cant rmb .
bad memory !!
hahaha .
shit !
rainin .
cant ply com !!
shitie !!

Friday, October 5, 2007 .
malay psle
so,, malay was quiet okae
. thank god .
mum was like prayin at home
hehez ..
aiy00 . 1 more paper .
N im throwin away my papers & b00kz .
haiyah .
juz cant wait la .
so tiz comin mon me & mum goin out at night
lalalala ..
next2 mon goin out wif gerri & cloud ,, risse maybe onli la
im prayin n prayin tat the science paper iz easy
but hu cares abt tat anywae ??
lalalalala !!!!!!
yesterdae my eldest bro totalli rule my world la
he was like comfortin me .
he sae i surely pass wan .
.. if got more dumb ppl better ..
hahaha ..
lalalala ..
so maybe next2 tues goin
to ply badminton ..
not confirm ..
happi2 ,,
yay !!!!


Thursday, October 4, 2007 .
maths psle
mathz darm hard lah .
i left 2 qeustionz blank .
there goes my target .
hmm .
wanna noe y im so upset ??
1)i want to beat my 2nd bro in PSLE
2)make my parents proud
3)make my tuition teacher proud
4)go to st.magarets sch
5)prove to myself tat im not tat stupid
but now ..
itz all a dream
i totali !! arGH !!
some ppl juz don understand .
but now .
its time to be serious
im online coz im so streezzz up
all my hard work ..
gone to waste ?
yeah .
im stupid .
.. i tot of endin my life
but ..
1)how can i live without my frenz ?
2)how can i let my parents be upset ?
3)GOd will hate me . i dont want tat..
3 reasons i don want to end my life .
yeah .. i hate MATHS !!
i tried so fuckin hard .
n tiz is wad i got ?
tatz y .. lifes not fair
wen i entered the room
i WASNT over confident !!
but i was confident
den . wen i saw the paper .
i knew i was goin to fail .
im a failure .
tatz wad i am . i will . n i'll alwayz be
.. someone .. talk some sense into me
.. someone ..
.. i'll alwayz be a failure rite ??
^ans tat question .


Monday, October 1, 2007 .
yesterdae .. went to grandmum house
,, watch charity show ,,
the president quite hot rite ??
0kae . PSLE is like 2 more daez
can die . h00w ??
todae have tuition .
wed also .
lalala z.
oh yah .. have tuition hw to do larhh
wahh .. shit stuff la .
hahahaz .
mummy !! i want water !!
hehez ,...
daddie calliNN .



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